Hytera Statement on Proceedings in Federal District Court, N.D.-Ill.


Motorola Solutions (MSI) today filed a motion seeking to add a copyright infringement claim to its original complaint in federal district court in the Northern District of Illinois. As usual, our competitor used a procedural move for public relations as opposed to making an argument on the merits, issuing to media yet another installment in its long-running series of press releases about its legal maneuvers.

MSI filed its motion almost a year after its attorneys were granted access to Hytera’s source code and after Hytera filed a summary judgment motion that would end the case. Given the timing of the motion, coming just before an expected decision on Hytera’s motion, this latest act shows desperation, and Hytera will oppose it.

MSI's motion is especially suspect because it follows on the heels of MSI’s failed attempt to convince the Court to allow it to examine computers at Hytera's offices in China. The Court called this request inappropriate and unnecessary: "Parties are entitled to a reasonable opportunity to investigate the relevant facts—and no more," the Court noted, adding, "While the inquiry should have been uncomplicated, it has become a long, drawn out, pitched battle … to rival the Punic Wars — albeit without the elephants and the Alps and the sheer drama." At Hytera, we could do without the drama.

MSI seems to have changed its strategic focus from innovation to litigation. Facing Hytera’s swift growth in technical innovation and market penetration globally, MSI is trying to strangle competition with series of sham litigations. And while the industry and today's LMR users are looking for innovative products, MSI seems to be seeking to distract the market's attention with its orchestrated lawsuits to defame its challengers.

We at Hytera remain committed to improving our products every year, even if we have to do so while continuing to battle MSI in court. For more information, please email us via marketing@hytera.com . 

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