Manajemen Bukti Digital (DEM) Hytera adalah sistem manajemen terpadu, yang didesain untuk mengumpulkan, menyimpan, melakukan kueri, meredaksi, dan menganalisis video, audio, foto, dan file dari kamera badan, CCTV, dan sebagainya. Dengan mengadopsi arsitektur mikrolayanan, DEM memungkinkan Anda untuk secara nyaman memperluas kapasitas. Jika terjadi kegagalan perangkat keras atau perangkat lunak, data di DEM dapat diamankan tanpa kehilangan dan downtime diminimalkan, berkat adanya sistem pemulihan bencana. DEM memiliki beragam aplikasi seperti meredaksi wajah, berbagi bukti, tag bukti, dan analisis data, mengurangi biaya dan waktu kerja secara signifikan dibandingkan dengan alur kerja tradisional. DEM secara luas digunakan di keselamatan umum, pengadilan, kedaruratan, dan transportasi.
Manage ever-growing digital evidence effortlessly
Keep the evidence intact from field to court, thanks to the AES-256 encryption algorithm and digital signature verification technology.
Recognize, track, and blur the face or license plates on the AI-based video redaction application. Moreover, you can redact audio or other personal details with ease.
Trails Record every evidence-related operation to ensure the chain of custody and evidence integrity.
Linkage Create a case and link related evidence to the case, enhancing your work efficiency.
Search by officer ID, recording location, metadata information, or tags to find the evidence quickly.
Share the evidence with external agencies by email, helping keep them in the know for better collaboration.
Monitor the quantity, size, and length of user evidence, group evidence, and agency evidence as well as quantity, downloads, and shares of user cases and agency cases.
Control Set user and function-based permissions to control who can access the evidence for privacy.
Record details of all activities on the DEM like login, logout, creation, deletion, and more. The logs cannot be deleted without permission.
Tags Add a tag to the evidence for classification. Set evidence retention time in batches, just by assigning the retention time to the tag.